This church was constructed in 1851-1871. It is made of stones and bricks and has a sandstone facade. The church is located at the town center or plqza, just across the municipal town hall of Magdalena. Trivia: The spanish revolt in Magdalena area started on November, 1896 when the male residents joined the revolution. On February 1898, after being wounded in a battle with the Spaniards at the Maimpis River, Philippine revolutionary hero Emilio Jacinto sought refuge in St. Mary Magdalena Church. It was built during the Spanish Era, using "Polo" or forced labor. The church of Magdalena house is an important relic. When Brains of the Katipunan, Emilo Jacinto, was mortally wounded after an encounter with Spanish forces at the Maimpis River on Februaey 1898, he was brought here. The Emilo Jacinto Shrine is located in the Magdalena Church The stone church is decided to Mary Magdalena, the church was built in1829. It is made of stone and bricks and has a sandstone f...